islamic sciences

The social evolution of man in history

(The battle between The Truth and The False)

Author: Morteza Motahhari 

(Ayatollah Shahid Motahari)

The concept of evolution-the social evolution of man in the past

In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

The meaning of natural evolution is clear, that is, an evolution that has created the flow of nature without human intervention or desire. Therefore, there is no difference between humans and other animals; that is, the natural course of the determinism path of each animal has brought to a certain stage; the human being is the same as the current to which we call him human today, and that he is a particular kind we know the other species.

The dignity of reason in the system of religious cognition

Author: Ayatollah Javadi Amoli

Publisher's speech

Praise is to the eternal God is a worthy gem only the goers of the arena wisdom and heart will benefit. Thanks for the high mission of Prophet Mohammad Mustafa (peace be upon Mohammad and his holy family) which accompany the purity of the mission with the best of wisdom and reason. It is worthy of divine grace for servants: Thanks God, only the entourage of God’s blessing are worthy of being the guardians of the wisdom and the guardians of the tradition.

What establishes the principle of all goodness and perfect is proper science and perfect knowledge: Science is the principle of all goodness.” The world of best, which is based on divine knowledge and gnosis, is always goodness and advisable from the current and the field of its development.

The universe which presents in two directions of creation and genesis: From the point of view of divine knowledge, the Divine knowledge, which is the divine will, has created the religion from creation and created the world of creation, therefore, those who think in the two domains mentioned above and The scholars of the abstract and experimental sciences are both aspiring to divine will and ultimately divine knowledge, because knowledge, which is the same as discovery, intuition, and attendance, is nothing more than a revelation of the divine knowledge and knowledge of the Lord: and none of Them will ever encompass anything of Allah's Knowledge except as much Allah Wills.  Al-Baqarah (255)

Seminary scholars and academic scholars, although in terms of the method of studying Knowledge and in terms of what it relates to Knowledge, that is the same knowable, are distinct from each other; but from the path of science and advancement to the domain of divine knowledge are the same; in other words, natural scientists who study the world of creation and genesis empirically and the divine science scholars who are referring to the world of compilation with an abstract method in that both are in the domain of divine will and knowledge, they are common; though they differ from other directions. In this way, the sciences with any title and subject that investigate in any way are all divine and cannot be empty of the principle of agent and purpose is in the divine will, because the research of phenomena and creations, whether in the world of compilation or in the world of genesis, is identity less and incompleteness without a viewpoint to the principle of agent and purpose in it, although the contemporary world and the scholars of science are trying to impose scientific secularism on science. As the universe has turned the creation into nature and denied or neglected the origin and end and they have separated the sciences from nature (and not creation) from the origin and end, they do not accept any the origin and end for it.

Human expectation of religion

Author: Ayatollah Javadi Amoli

Publisher’s speech

The dawning religion has illuminated life and the opportunity to enjoy human and divine blessings so that man guide by that heavenly ray and to enjoy all the capabilities and attain to its highest position the position of divine caliphate in the earth, and the worship of Allah.

This highest divine blessing has always been the subject of threats by the arrogances, and the moldings and distortions of the masters of power and deceit. In fact, the people of religion, in the power's light and dignity of religion, turn into crashing dangers and storms. That rebellious powers are always frightening of them and reject them; but they have used all the power in separating religion from the realm of human life to disarm human beings, then they will rebel him: they will go on fighting with you so that they may turn you back from your religion if they can. Al-Baqarah (217)

This continuous and all-round battle sometimes happens in military uniforms and shows itself in a cover of scientific culture and even ideology. Obviously, coping with this campaign is far more sensitive and more important than conflict and war.

Man is thirsty that his thirst only heals the pure religion and gives him water and the return of man to the drought of science and the salt of the secular, it makes the person thirsty more thirsty and tired of death. Today, human beings have reached the end of all human fields, and according to some Western scholars, human beings have seen the end of the world, the call for the need for religion and revelation heard from the depth of his heart, and he cries out that the only way of saving is to accept divine revelation and obey the prophets.

It provides a Man who vest his life and soul to religion and love her and make it loved to him in this world that exhilarate its freshness and cheerfulness, eye’s soul and enchanting fragrance and smell’s soul. Those who, with a false analysis, based on the lack of knowledge of the human being and the lack of a correct knowledge of religion, regard the companionship of man from religion, cause concern and create a hell of the world. Not only are they pleased with the false paradise that it separate a man from religion, but wants religion for the anchorite of his life and his ascetic social, and nothing else. The religion that covers the starting point of human creation to its fulfillment in this world and other worlds and from underlying layers to the hidden classes of existence and also the religion which is the light of his way in all aspects of existence and in the individual and social spheres. The perception of separation from human beings, faced with a serious vacuum, and with loneliness and fragile strangling. Therefore, it must salute with all its being.

The Ratio of Religion and the World


Author: Ayatollah Javadi Amoli

Publisher's speech

The heavens of religion, the darkness of nature, and the world blossom the light day of the revelation, the night of darkness illuminates human life. It reveals the radius of the divine verses emitted from the enlightened sun. Like the meteorite in the body of nature, it has been penetrating, and it has cleared all the angles of this vast darkness. It is no passage through which the passage of revelation has not passed and the spirit of nature is not fragrant with its scent. The world has its own affection and religion undertake nature to consolation, nature garden with beautiful songs and the nightingales of ghazal have given fruits to the religion and from the sacred and blessed union of religion and the world, the Divine Man was born and the divine caliph is in power on earth.

The prophets (peace be upon them), who are the revelators and flags of happiness, peace shouters are religion and the world and the devils are seeking divisions. They are the religion that the sun is thinking and the source of thought separating from a world, whose thirst for it is clear, and the desire for it is a golden rising to depress both of them, one lightning and one desire to light is powerless. The true peace seekers make the first reconciliation between the world and religion in the light of this ratio, the world is calm in peace and the actual seditionaries create divisions and warfare to witness the burning of both. The separation of the spirit of religion from the world, the cause of caries and the basis of depression is human life. Blessed is the mouth that sings in this unity and booming, the pen that thinks of this alliance!
The great mission of the modern society, based on the stable foundations of religion, enlightens the houses of the world one after the other, it is that the idea has dissolved the separation of religion and the world from which the West satisfy with a deviant and unwanted way. And guides humans and the world under a single flag it adorns all social, cultural, political, national, and so on statements with the highest religious teachings. By eliminating the darkness of illusions and suspicion and adorning the wisdom and revelation, it provides the field of growth and excellence. Resplendent peace of unity and peace and Depressed the call of separation and war!

This valuable book, which from pen and expression is Ayatollah Javadi Amoli, in order to unite true, correct and logical alliance between religion and the world, and the answer to the song is the misery of separation and division. Today, is one of the major cultural issues, and sometimes the beliefs of society, to answer the question of how the relationship between religion and the world? The various social aspects of society and persons, how do you arise from these two realities? Can align religion and politics, religion and government, religion and economics, religion and culture, religion and nationality? Do politics, government, economics, culture, and nationality, which are manifestations of the appearance of the world, can place next to religion? And have a peaceful life? Do modern phenomena in human society, such as scientism, rationalism, and humankind, can be the basis for the separation of religion from the world or vice versa? Questions such as asking for reasonable answers.

International relations

Author: Ayatollah Javadi Amoli

Publisher's speech

The eternal religion of Islam, which is characterized by its fullness and comprehensiveness, it has always addressed different aspects of human existence and has not been neglected in any way; whether it is from the relationship of man with himself or with human beings with those beings, including humans and what is his relationship with the Creator and his Lord; and for each of these three directions, there are also sagely teachings and recommendations. In the Good speech, Allah Almighty has mentioned the growth and prosperity of man in the light of the reform of the tripartite and he knows his salvation and his happiness depends on it.

Social interactions like economic interactions tie to human life, and it not isolate from human nature and as in economic affairs at all levels, even with the closure of the economic treaty with the disbelievers of a large branch called the branch of transactions in the jurisprudence in social relations and human relations in jurisprudence, a large part dedicate to this issue. As in the science of law and ethics, this aspect of existential has addressed, and he has learned to mankind valuable insights from the heaven of revelation in The Lord's words.

Improvement of human relations and its desirability from any kind of wicked and villainous like arrogance and colonialism, it causes progress, comfort and improvement of human life and the ground for achieving the divine aspects of mankind. In the wise and expressive words of Ayatullah Javadi Amoli, religion with both its enlightening aspects, including tradition and wisdom, emphasizes on the proper human and divine relationships with all nations.

Obviously, social relationships and relationships of individuals can define and presented at different levels; at the level of the tribe and Kinship, at the level of religion and apparent beliefs, in the context of the fundamental beliefs and beliefs that religion call, and the deepest and most comprehensive social layer of human relationships with each other regardless of any kind of ethnicity, the religion that now call international relations”.

The significance and value of such discussions becomes clearer when everyone knows that a global society formed and all the obstacles that have already put in the path of human relations have eliminated and in various fields of science, research, culture, economics, politics And . have provided the context in which human beings inevitably place in the context of various relationships. Obviously, societies that have understood this meaning better and deeper will have seen progress and development more duly and more prosperous, and a nation that has not found this social reality and he has been proud of the illusion of his own intrinsic superiority and it has lagged the presence and promise of the world scenes, it will definitely stop and stagnate.

The Islamic Republic of Iran, which rightfully the great claim of the Universal Government and has institutionalized its principles in its thought and belief and is awaiting the world community under the leadership of the divine and Mahdi Mohammadi (peace be upon him and his holy family). The Islamic Republic of Iran must definitely find and believe in itself and take steps in the field of science and practice.


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